Tuesday 15 December 2009

Research and Planning - Twins Film and Opening Analysis

Twins is a comedy designed to pair the unlikely combination of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny De Vito. Julius Benedict (Schwarzenegger) has lived his entire life on a South Pacific island, an orphan raised by a scientist who knew that Julius was the product of a genetics experiment many years ago. Julius is a genius, fluent in languages, tall and athletic, knowledgeable about anything that he can read in a book. When he discovers that he actually has a twin brother, and thus a real family, he insists on leaving the island and going to Los Angeles to find his brother. His brother, Vincent (De Vito), is almost exactly the opposite, because in the experiment all of the good genes went to Julius, while the bad went to Vincent. Vincent is a small time con man, always on the run from loan sharks, who steals luxury cars from the airport parking garage and selling them to a chop shop.

However 'Twins' is similar to our film opening we are producing, at the same time they are very different, similarities being the story is based around two twins who eventually meet up, whereas our opening is more based around the darker streets which swallow deprived children in guiding them in the wrong direction to crime and vandalism, both brothers end up crossing each others paths of very different lives without realising. One brother is from a wealthy family the other split up when young, now on the streets playing the deprived brother, in our film we are trying to send moral messages on the differences between the complete different lifestyles and everyday life obstacles they both have to overcome.

The opening two minutes of both films are also fairly similar showing both lifestyles and the contrast in them. We are using this style of opening to introduce the brothers and to attract the audience and keep them in-grosed in watching the rest of the film.

Research and Planning - Twins

Twins is good inspiration for our film, as similar too ours it is based on two brothers being brought up to not know about either ones existance. However where are film seperates is that the brothers in our film never find out about one another, not having the opportunity to meet this is a more of a deep, emotional storyline. Also our film has more dark storyline whereas twins is based around more of a comic theme.

Monday 14 December 2009

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Research and Planning - Parent Trap

Parent Trap is a more light hearted story than our own, however still shows the seperated ubringing of two twins similar too our storyline. The two twins Annie and Hallie´s parents divorced when they were infants, each parent taking custody of one twin. Neither twin knows about the other's existence until a chance meeting at summer camp. However unlike this in our film niether twin ever gets a chance to meet one another, more of a tragic ending.

Research and Planning - Analysis of Opening 2 minutes - Terminator 2

Begins with an establishing shot of busy motorway, traffic moving slowly. Cuts to close up of people walking amongst vehicles at crossings, creating reality of a highly populated area. Slow paced non-digetic music helping to slowly builds tension as if something bad are to happen in the near future. Cuts to a shot of a playground, which is normally seen to be more of a happy image, however the music is still playing in the background keeping continuity, however also creating an unsure atmosphere. A girl is shown playing on swings, through a medium shot, a spooky uneasy feeling is made by the camera going backwards and forwards following her movement in slow motion. Her laughter can also be herd over the music in a failry drained tone, linking in with slow motion. The shot finishing with the music drawn out but sound getting louder into a crescendo and an unsettling image swinging into an upside down position, screen saturating to a blank white image. All this editing is building up to a tragidy, showing a controversy between present, and what is about to happen. The contrerversial atmoshphere between the two moments is shown very clearly by the pure white image cutting to a very dark close up of a skeleton in a burnt car. The shot panning out into an establishing shot of what appeared to be a herd of burnt cars left in ruins. Very similar shot to one of motorway, however this time its a very still shot of the meer remains of the shell of the cars. In then says 'Los Angeles 2029' therefore we then know its in the future. Its as if a nucluer bopmbs been dropped. It then cuts to a another very still shot of playground, a slight repetition of previous shots to give the viewer a clear understanding of what has happened. This time the playground is too left too ashes. Then after a series of very still silent shots a metal foot is shown stamping on a skull, unsetteling sign of life. Nuration also comes in at this point.

Ending with voice over and music, fades into fire... Powerfull image.

Friday 4 December 2009

Research and Planning - Time Managment

Leading up to the crismas holidays, and during the holidays, i need to prioritise between continubing with my media coursework and revising for other subjects therefor im going to be modist with what i plan to achieve over the two weeks we have off the week we return. I plan to complete the following..

-Rating analysis
-Costume Ideas
-Story board
-Twins Opening
-Opening of Parent Trap
-Twins video
-Parent Trap video
-More nalysis of Opening 2 minutes - Terminator 2

Research and Planning - Practice Opening Credits

Using Adobe, i have practiced on the sofware to create a short opening sequence of titles, adding sound also with added effects. I then converted and uploaded the video here onto my blog...

Research and Planning - Self Assessing

I have shown profiecient research into, into other products similar to our film, for both insitution, and films. I have breifly disscussed organisation of actors, locations, costumes, and props. However i haven't yet talked about, shotlists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding. I have taken care of presentation of the research and planning. Time management is good.