Wednesday 15 September 2010

Analysis of blog

Throughout the year the group an I have learnt and developed various skills combining together to complete our blogs. Here are some of the elements that were included..

Preparation - Preparation, better known as research and planning involved us viewing and analysing a wide variety of film openings, of all budgets. We then followed on to particularly focus our minds towards inspiring with opening sequences with a low budget, to match and be realistic with what we had to work with.

Digital Technology - We began by playing around with the cameras, getting a feel for how to use them, to improve our confidence to be able to record all elements of our opening smoothly on the day! To learn and become familiar with producing a short video using the camera and adobe we pieced together and short video of the approach too and happening of a short conversation. By doing this we got experience with all stages of the the production side of a video from the connection between the camera to the computer, to uploading it onto YouTube. Adobe premiere elements is the programme we used to edit out video clips and add sound tracks etc from which we accumulated from a free music website which is non-copyright. For our final piece of coursework we followed the same concepts as we did for out first clip. However we discovered several other options in which we could make our clip better in some cases such as adjusting the brightness and contrast for example.

Creativity - Our group brought new ideas by focusing on the lyrics from songs as well as films to originate some new ideas for our own film. If we had the same equipment as the professionals and the resources as well as the time, i think our film could have been vastly improved, however I believe our film idea to have an in depth and strong storyline and our opening two minutes reveals enough, but leaves a lot to the immagination of the audience to create suspense encouraging them to watch on..

Post-production - our audience feedback gave us the pros's and con's of our opening two minute clip. This was helpful as it demonstrated to us what immediately stuck out in the audiences minds while watching the video for the first time. The con's were good as they allowed us to see where we can improve on the next piece of coursework in which we do. The pros's were also just as benificaial as it shows what techniques and elements which were effective, therefore develop further for the production of a next.