Saturday 31 October 2009

Research and Planning - Film Opening Analysis - The Good Fellas

The 'gangster' genre of this film was immediately made very obvious, by the slow pace editing between shots and low level lighting introducing fear to what we cannot see. The dress code of the three main characters we see within the opening two minutes are of a typical gangster state in suits with a typical mumbling tone of speech. Within the first two minutes Martin Scorsese introduces a horrific violent scene including a stabbing, shooting and murder all in one, making the genre of film very clear to the audience.
The purpose of this opening scene is really to set the scene and date of the piece, simply but effectively done by a blank screen containing 'New York 1970' .
In this case the opening scene is a clip from further on in the film, a sort of flash back for Henry. Henry being a very important character, portrayed as being slightly more in the background to effect the audience and identify his characteristics to sympathise with him. This is carried out by a close up shot of his face containing an act of responsibility being the driver of the car.
The purpose of this opening inpaticular has been represented very effectively by using the opening credits as cars, this supports the tension of the scenes approaching.
Again low lighting is popular within gangsta films to incorporate an aspect of fearing what we cannot see. Introducing the colour of red bathing the characters within the scene implies a fact of danger and threat relating with a bloody future, incorporating the fear of death. These enigmas used, help construct a sense of an interest within the film to keep the audience hooked on.

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