Monday 2 November 2009

Research and Planning - What i have learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During the construction of this video I realised the importance of filming more shots then necessary as having a wider variety of footage to choose from will allow you to create the best continuity between possible. In attempt to achieve this, I played around with various editng tools and adding sound to the video on 'adobe' to help our video run smoothly when completed. This task has also helped David, Max and I gain an understanding of mise en scene. We tryed to incorperate all these factors into our production to give a sense of realism. Through experience i have also realised that the planning your work (story board) needs to be thoroughly thought out, as it helps if you have a strong structure to guide you when you work. Then you are able to make changes as you see fit later on. When filming conversation there a is rule of filming, 'the 180 degree rule' this means to stick to one side of the two people to ensure they don't look out of place.

We began the shot of him entering the room with an establishing shot as so far the longest shot used has been a mid shot, leaving a very mysterious setting. This is of a room with two people in, i learned it was important to set the scene as soon and as quickly as possible as you want to let the audience know excatly what is going on asquickly as possible, keeping the interested at the same time.

Then using the camera I learnt that if you use a bigger variety of shots and angles, we started off with a basic mid shot which panned round as the character went to the bottom of the stairs. The shot then cut to a birds eye view of the character, this also panned round as the character continued to walk up the stairs. The shot then cut to a mid shot with a high angle, this was to show that the character was still on a staircase. Then as the character passes the camera it then cuts to a low angle mid-shot. The camera is then used as a hand held movement following the character to the top of the stairs, to the doorway. Then cutting to the other side of the door as the character walks through, panning round to the right as the character walks past. We then used a mid shot from behind the character which films them walking down a hallway to a door eventually finishing as a long shot. We then used an extreme close up the characters hand on the door handle which showed that they were opening the door. We then used match on action as we film the door opening from the other side, the shot used on the other side of the door is a long shot, the camera then pans round as the character walks over to another character, here the conversation starts and the shots used are mainly over the shoulder and close ups.

The technologies used in the process when constructing this ‘Preliminary Task’ have been very useful and I have tried to use them to the best of my potential. Reflecting back to my storyboard when possible, I used this to keep me on track and guide me through the editing and filming process. Although next time when constructing another project I would definitely go in to much more detail when constructing my storyboard this would help us to recognise potential mistakes or errors before hand. I think also next time I should go into more detail when presenting characters within the film, this would then help the audience identify the persona of particular characters and construct a better understanding of the film. By incorporating a better understanding of ‘mise en scene’ next time I think I would much prefer to include props and a more detailed set and conversation.

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