Monday 25 January 2010

Research and Planning - Time Managment

We plan to start filming two weeks today, on this monday we all have 1 0r 2 lessons so is an ideal time to get as much filming done as possible. We plan to film as much footage as we can therefore have enough to edit and play around with to complete are opening two minutes. The main advantage to filming everything on one day is the lighting will be the same and consistant throughout the two minutes, any external factors will be easier o keep the same, ie costumes, any make up used, and other surroundings, e.g cars parked in the road when boy is walking down.

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Research and Planning - Props

This is the sleeping bag we are going to use in the scene under the bridge. We thought it would be good as it is quite an old looking thing and an old style of sleeping bag.

This is the iPod which belongs to William, shown to represent his wealth. It is stolen from him when walking through the park by a stranger (the other deprived child), the theif then takes it back to Jack to sell it or show it off, we havent discussed that yet.

Saturday 16 January 2010

Research and Planning - Character Profile - Max

Research and Planning - Character Profiling - Dave

Dave will be playing the friend of the deprived brother also a deprived child whom is sleeping rough, this allows us to have three actors in first two minutes, however a maximum of two characters on screen at any one time meaning one person is always able to shoot the shot. This also shows our ability as individuals of using the camera.

Research and Planning - Character Profile - Tom

Tom - I will be playing the deprived brother 'jack' who has been brought up in rough surroundings, not knowing i have a brother 'William' who has had a privileged upbringing in amongst a wealthy family. I steal food and drink, just to stay alive, as i cant get a job and have no way of paying for these groceries.

Research and Planning - Character Profile

Max - I will be playing the wealthy brother 'William' who has had a nice priviledged upbringing in amongst a wealthy family, i take my lifestyle and wealthy forgranted, appearing stuck up and inconsiderate to other less fortunate people.

Friday 15 January 2010

Research and Planning - Two minute opening sequence

The first thing to appear on screen during our opening two minute film is the UK film council logo, then the name of our production company, e.g. BBW production. the film will then roll through all the names of various crew members, such as the editor, sound editor, the director etc, while introductory music is being played. During these titles there will be a long shot of one of the male characters walking (jack). This is the start of the introduction to the first character. It then gives an establishing shot of a shop (not decided on which one yet.) The character can then be seen in an extreme long shot walking into the shop. The music then fades out, and the camera shot changes to a mid shot of the character from behind, it watches him look around, acting a bit suspicious. A long shot of him browsing the shelves, then switches to an extreme close up of his hand putting something into his pocket. The camera then follows him out the store, and music starts to build up again. The camera then switches to a long shot of the character leaving the store, here match on action will be carried out, during the editing stages. The scene is then changed to a dirty area under a bridge or steps. There is two props here a sleeping bag, and a rucksack. The same character then enters the scene still using a long shot. He then sits down and gets comfortable, camera switches to close up of him shovelling the stolen food into his mouth, this is to represent hunger and desperation, therefore the audience may empathise with him.

Now the introduction of the other male character (William). He is introduced with an establishing shot of a larger than average, modern house. Diagetic sound of shouting/arguing can be heard coming from the house. A mid shot of the character then leaving the house through the front door. He slams it shut (emphasised diagetic sound of door slamming). He then runs up the road, a long shot is used to view the scene. The camera movement tracks him as he is running, having a mix of close ups on his face and shots of his feet to emphasise his frustration and feelings. The camera follows him for about 20-30 seconds, until he stops exhausted, he bends over to catch his breath a long shot is used from the camera. He then lifts his head up as he hears the voice of his step father behind him, a close up is now used. He begins to run again, he reaches the park. and hides in the bushes. a long shot is used filming him looking around worryingly for his step-dad. He then walks out the bushes, and walks down the pathway.

Another character is now introduced with a long shot. He is sitting on a bench in the park, where he is having a cigarette, looking quite happy with himself. A close up of his face is then shown, as he looks to his left to see William walking towards him. A point of view shot is now used from the new characters angle. William is minding his own business, with his ipod headphones in (music will be played as if William is listening to it, when cutting back to the new character the music volume will go down, to give a bit of realism). He then pulls out his ipod to change the song. A mid shot is now used. The shot then changes to a close up of the new characters face, showing jealousy. A close up of the ipod. A two shot of the two characters. One in front walking towards the camera, then the other guy jumping up off the bench, running at the other character. A mid shot of him snactching the ipod, the punching him. William then falls backwards. The other character runs off, a long shot is used and the camera stays stationary as the character gets further and further away. Camera then cuts back to William curled up on the floor in pain, cutting back to the other character running away then back to William on the floor. Music will then kick in again and the film name will appear on screen. End of two minutes.

Monday 11 January 2010

Research and Planning - Story board and Shot Types

Name of production company on top of black screen. No digetic music. Middle of the screen, title sequence shot.
As BBW slowly fades out, UK Film Council slowly blends in still on top of black screen, non-digetic music then slowly begins.
Mid-shot, clip fades in at a medium pace, music still playing to keep in background to keep continuity, however some digetic sound being heard for realism and to set the scene - mid shot of boy walking.
Same shot and sound, however as the name of director is faded out, the edited by will be faded in at a medium pace in order help maintain a steady pace so that it easy to watch without getting to boring.
Again fast/medium cut between shots, same sound - continuity, this time he's got slightly closer to the camera - in between mid shot and close up.
Fast/medium cut to an establishing shot of the boy arriving and walking into a shop. The same digetic and non-digetic sound played to help continuity however all non-digetic sound begins to fade out towards the end of of shot. Establishing shot.
Cuts to mid-shot of boy side on facing towards shelves. All non-digetc music quickly continues to fade completely out. Only digetic sound herd, very slowly begins to zoom in towards end of shot - however only a little.
The next shot is a close up of the top half of the boys body showing precise movements of him picking up food off the self. Still only digetic sound heard.
Another close up this time showing the mid-part of his body putting the food into his pocket, creating the impression he is going to steal it.
Similar to previous shot of establishing shot, this time showing the boy quickly walking out. Mid-shot, camera fixed in one position, shot not lasting any more then five sections. To keep up the quick intensive pace or footage to make it easy to watch.
It then cuts to another establishing shot, of where the boy is living, shown through a high angle, representing his deprived lifestyle. Portraying his habitat in a negative light.
Then it will cut to a close up/ mid-shot of him standing next his belongings and sleeping bag, very slightly zooming in. Eye level (more of personal level) used to creative sympathy for the character. The glum surroundings are used create a poor deprived atmosphere (use of mise en scene).
Then creating a contrast in characters, a low angle shot is used to show a wealthy looking boy (this is the other brother). Use for mise en scene, we are going to film him walking down a road listening to an ipod, with large expensive house's in the background. Mid-shot, low angle, long shot of house's in the background.
Then cuts to a shot of the 'rich' boy walking past an obvious poor boy sitting on a bench, 'William the wealthy boy, gives him a clear smug look and throws the remains of the sandwhich he's eating in the boys direction towards his feet. This will be shown through about 3 different the first one being a two shot, then cutting to a close up of William face clearly showing his expression towards the other boy.
To then emphasise on the boys wealth, there will be a close up of the ipod, also representing on the difference in wealth between him and the poorer boy. This will only need a quick close up.
It will then cut to a mid-shot of the 'William' walking along from in front of him, showing the poor boy in the background get up and beginning to follow him.
It will then follow into a different two shot from a slightly closer angle. The poor boys intentions are now made clear as he attempts to make a grab for the ipod and push the 'William' to the ground.
Quickly cuts to a side on view to clearly show the two boy's tasseling, mid-shot/ two shot, sound emphasing more on fight, no non-digetic sound.
Continuing in to close up/ mid-shot of the rich boy falling after being pushed, non-digetic music slowly begins again.
Extreme close up of feet (birds eye view/point of view), still shot lasting for 4 seconds lack of movement makes the shop seem slow. Slowing down to create depth of in the story and create emotion.
Then alternatively cutting to a quick shot of the poor boy running away, creating a difference in emotionall state of the two boys.
Then cutting time, goes to shot of the poorer boy coming back to the place where the original shop thiefs is living (the wealthy's brother). Two shot showing a connection between the two people, they are equal however a high shot representing that they are both poor and dont that they are looked down on in society. Although they're commiting crimes, it's portrayed in a manner that makes you sympathize with them.
Then cuts to a simliar shot of the rich boys shoes once again. Immideatly taking you back to the previous fight scene. It pan's up his body, eventually showing the pain in his face.
Then shows a mid-shot/ long-shot showing the lonliness and dark cold surroundings of the rich, fortunate boy now suffering like you imagine the homeless childs do every night. Then the screen goes black and the film name comes up.

Research and Planning - Story board - Anamatic

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Research and Planning - Time Managment

The novelty of the snow has now worn away, also proving to abstruct the progress in our project. Unfortunately we have been un -able to meet up to finalise any last uncertaties and conclude any decisions for to begin shooting our two minute opening. Two minute opening sequence


Tuesday 5 January 2010

Research and Planning - Rating

A film rating system is designated to classify films with by the content invloving issues such as sex, violence, substance abuse, profanity, impudence or other types of mature content ands its suitability for the particular audience. We have chosen our film to be rated at a 15 as this would allow us to give more of a gritty realistic storyline including some slighty more dark footage.
Discrimination - The work as a whole must not endorse discriminatory language or behaviour.

Drugs - Drug taking may be shown but the film as a whole must not promote or encourage drug misuse. The misuse of easily accessible and highly dangerous substances (for example, aerosols or solvents) is unlikely to be acceptable.

Horror - Strong threat and menace are permitted unless sadistic or sexualised.

Imitable behaviour - Dangerous behaviour (for example, hanging, suicide and self-harming) should not dwell on detail which could be copied. Easily accessible weapons should not be glamorised.

Language - There may be frequent use of strong language (for example, ‘fuck’). The strongest terms (for example, ‘cunt’) may be acceptable if justified by the context. Aggressive or repeated
use of the strongest language is unlikely to be acceptable.

Nudity - Nudity may be allowed in a sexual context but without strong detail. There are no constraints on nudity in a non-sexual or educational context.

Sex - Sexual activity may be portrayed without strong detail. There may be strong verbal references to sexual behaviour, but the strongest references are unlikely to be acceptable
unless justified by context. Works whose primary purpose is sexual arousal or stimulation are unlikely to be acceptable.

Violence - Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. The strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable. Strong sadistic or sexualised violence is also
unlikely to be acceptable. There may be detailed verbal references to sexual violence
but any portrayal of sexual violence must be discreet and have a strong contextual justification.

Sunday 3 January 2010

Research and Planning - More costume ideas

We have decided on a costume for the person who mugs William. They are all quite old shabby and have stains on from various things. We thought this would give a good stereotype for him, as then the audience would see him as a lower class, which he is and can be seen by his actions in the scene he is in.

Saturday 2 January 2010

Research and Planning - Costume Ideas

Deprived Boy
In our opening two minutes we must portray the deprived boy as an ungroomed, scruffy character. We have narrowed down our ideas for the characters outfits, thinking about all the possibilities of generalisations as though to have a stereotypical view on the character to be easily identified by the audience.

We have decided upon this hoodie to be worn by the deprived brother as it is scruffy with marks of paint on it, we also decided on a specifically plain t-shirt as this will be covered by the hoody. The tracksuit bottoms which are also stereotyped to be worn by a specific casual tatty person;

Research and Planning - Location

We as a group have been discussing many locational ideas and have come up with the choice of two setting of where the financially deprived boy will be filmed and have currently agreed on using Dave's house to film the wealthy boy.

2 Current Options for deprived boy's location;

Both located under bridges, the first one is located in Ashtead not far from my house, which might be considered useful to have as a base for equipment and editing, this alley way which can be shot from both ends as it is a straight clear walk through.

The second location; in Leatherhead slightly more out of the way, along side the river mole, it is slightly more dusty and open to the public allowing more sunlight in, which i think we might not want, as the deprived boy will be based around dark, depressing colours to set the mood and character persona.

Introduction to poor boy, he steals from shop..

Introduction to happy, wealthier boy walking down his road..