Monday 11 January 2010

Research and Planning - Story board and Shot Types

Name of production company on top of black screen. No digetic music. Middle of the screen, title sequence shot.
As BBW slowly fades out, UK Film Council slowly blends in still on top of black screen, non-digetic music then slowly begins.
Mid-shot, clip fades in at a medium pace, music still playing to keep in background to keep continuity, however some digetic sound being heard for realism and to set the scene - mid shot of boy walking.
Same shot and sound, however as the name of director is faded out, the edited by will be faded in at a medium pace in order help maintain a steady pace so that it easy to watch without getting to boring.
Again fast/medium cut between shots, same sound - continuity, this time he's got slightly closer to the camera - in between mid shot and close up.
Fast/medium cut to an establishing shot of the boy arriving and walking into a shop. The same digetic and non-digetic sound played to help continuity however all non-digetic sound begins to fade out towards the end of of shot. Establishing shot.
Cuts to mid-shot of boy side on facing towards shelves. All non-digetc music quickly continues to fade completely out. Only digetic sound herd, very slowly begins to zoom in towards end of shot - however only a little.
The next shot is a close up of the top half of the boys body showing precise movements of him picking up food off the self. Still only digetic sound heard.
Another close up this time showing the mid-part of his body putting the food into his pocket, creating the impression he is going to steal it.
Similar to previous shot of establishing shot, this time showing the boy quickly walking out. Mid-shot, camera fixed in one position, shot not lasting any more then five sections. To keep up the quick intensive pace or footage to make it easy to watch.
It then cuts to another establishing shot, of where the boy is living, shown through a high angle, representing his deprived lifestyle. Portraying his habitat in a negative light.
Then it will cut to a close up/ mid-shot of him standing next his belongings and sleeping bag, very slightly zooming in. Eye level (more of personal level) used to creative sympathy for the character. The glum surroundings are used create a poor deprived atmosphere (use of mise en scene).
Then creating a contrast in characters, a low angle shot is used to show a wealthy looking boy (this is the other brother). Use for mise en scene, we are going to film him walking down a road listening to an ipod, with large expensive house's in the background. Mid-shot, low angle, long shot of house's in the background.
Then cuts to a shot of the 'rich' boy walking past an obvious poor boy sitting on a bench, 'William the wealthy boy, gives him a clear smug look and throws the remains of the sandwhich he's eating in the boys direction towards his feet. This will be shown through about 3 different the first one being a two shot, then cutting to a close up of William face clearly showing his expression towards the other boy.
To then emphasise on the boys wealth, there will be a close up of the ipod, also representing on the difference in wealth between him and the poorer boy. This will only need a quick close up.
It will then cut to a mid-shot of the 'William' walking along from in front of him, showing the poor boy in the background get up and beginning to follow him.
It will then follow into a different two shot from a slightly closer angle. The poor boys intentions are now made clear as he attempts to make a grab for the ipod and push the 'William' to the ground.
Quickly cuts to a side on view to clearly show the two boy's tasseling, mid-shot/ two shot, sound emphasing more on fight, no non-digetic sound.
Continuing in to close up/ mid-shot of the rich boy falling after being pushed, non-digetic music slowly begins again.
Extreme close up of feet (birds eye view/point of view), still shot lasting for 4 seconds lack of movement makes the shop seem slow. Slowing down to create depth of in the story and create emotion.
Then alternatively cutting to a quick shot of the poor boy running away, creating a difference in emotionall state of the two boys.
Then cutting time, goes to shot of the poorer boy coming back to the place where the original shop thiefs is living (the wealthy's brother). Two shot showing a connection between the two people, they are equal however a high shot representing that they are both poor and dont that they are looked down on in society. Although they're commiting crimes, it's portrayed in a manner that makes you sympathize with them.
Then cuts to a simliar shot of the rich boys shoes once again. Immideatly taking you back to the previous fight scene. It pan's up his body, eventually showing the pain in his face.
Then shows a mid-shot/ long-shot showing the lonliness and dark cold surroundings of the rich, fortunate boy now suffering like you imagine the homeless childs do every night. Then the screen goes black and the film name comes up.

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