Thursday 25 February 2010

Research and Planning - Current Progress

We are making steady progress as the editing of our beginning two minutes for our film is near completion, soon i will be able to make a personal evaluation of the work we have achieved. We attempted to put across our storyline as much as possible within our two minute opening sequence; introducing charachters and portraying their lifestyles. However because of the time length requirements this wasn't always possible. To ensure our video was 2 minutes longs some shots had to be cut out, consequently this slightly altered the main outcome of the two minute clip.


As a group we are currently making steady progress, our editing of our two minute opening is near completion. We attempted to stick to our original story board as much as possible, and resemble our film story line as much as possible too. However as we had to cut some shots out to have the corrected time length required some elements were not possible to fill in therefore are finished product doesn't quite match our original plan. Soon I will begin my personal evaluation of the work I have done. This should enable me to have completed everything that needs to be done and save myself enough time to read over everything and make alterations where necessary.

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