Wednesday 31 March 2010

Evaluation - Activity 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

We used many different tools and technologies and other media products/kit to help construct our final media product.

We used:

School/Home computers - To edit and upload/update new features onto our blogs.

School supplied camera and tape - We used these film and record our opening two minutes aswell as filming audience feedback and directors commentary.

Microphone - Extension microphone used for our opening two minutes allowing us to get a good quality of sound from the character outdoors.

Tripod - We relied on the tripod for many steady shots to enhance a better quality of filming.Car - To travel to each different location safely and comftably. (It was freezing)

Ipod - This was used as a prop in our scene of William being mugged, to help illustrate wealth.Wallet & Keys - This was used as a prop in our shot of expressing the materialistic goods in Williams house as he goes to pick up both items. (match on action)

Phone - This prop was used when William is first introduced showing the audience the contrast on how William has up to date technology at his finger tips.

Fruity Loops 8 Home Studio - This was used at home to construct a suitable soundtrack for our opening sequence.

Adobe - We used Adobe Premiere 8 to edit and construct our opening two minutes aswell as using Adobe photoshop to help put together our screen grabs and complete presentation.

Memory Stick - Using memory sticks as a back up was a good idea incase of any computer errors we all had a copy of our progress, fortunately we didn't have any computing saving errors. This was also useful from travelling information from home to school.

Blogger - We used blogspot blogging to present our research, planning, evaluation and final media product.

Youtube - Finally one of the most useful websites, youtube - we found that it was very helpful when constructing our research and if we needed to see how other openings were presented in a paticular fashion. It was also used for research and easy viewable videos to then evaluate for our research and planning, helping us finalise our genre and target audience.Below are some pictures of me and some equipment we used:

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