Tuesday 16 March 2010

Research and Planning - Filming

Today we ventured out in aim of shooting all the footage needed for our opening two minute sequence. To ensure that we enough to cover the two minute required time length we filmed a few added scenes, worrying we wouldn't have enough. The reason for this was to make sure all external factors i.e weather and traffic were the same. Also to ensure we all were wearing the same clothes and sporting the same hair cut/style throughout, instead of filming half one day and half a week later where it's likely some of these factors will have changed. This did make it a time consuming day, constantly filming from 9am - 5pm, however we hoped it be most effective and possibly even save time in the long run.

Our first obstacle was having to dodge filming around cars that were parked temporarily as we needed to film every scence a number of different times from different angles so we could use fast, sharp editing. Therefore if we were filming the same secene over the course of 20 minutes, cars may have moved. We overcame this by filming when there were as little cars and other external factors as possible.

In our storyline the deprived brother steals a chocolate from a newsagent Our second obstacle was having to disscuss with the shop owner if this would be allowed for the good of our AS media work. Wwe weren't necessarily sure if we'd have permission to film in her shop, although after a bit of persuasion she let us go ahead whilst there were no customers.

Three teenage boys, let loose for a day, it was inevitable we'd make a mistake at some point. An unfortunate recording error whilst filming in the newsagent was our third problem. The footage we thought we had filmed whilst in the shop hadn't actualyy recorded. We had only realised this 15 minutes once we were at our next location. Luckily not too far away, after the embaressment we came back to the shop to re-film, luckily everything ran smoothly second time round.

These three obstacles awere fortunately quite small were are only real dilemas throughout the day, however i think we coped well and thought logically, allowing us to move on and carry on filming consitently throughout the day.

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